From the course: Learning SOLIDWORKS

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Create revolved and revolved cut features

Create revolved and revolved cut features - SOLIDWORKS Tutorial

From the course: Learning SOLIDWORKS

Create revolved and revolved cut features

- [Instructor] The revolve and revolved cut features are very similar to the extrude and extrude cut. And they're probably the second most used feature inside of Solid Works. Now we do need two ingredients for a revolve. We need a axis of rotation as well as a sketch to make it work. So let me show you how it works. First things first, let's go ahead and choose a front plane, start a sketch, and let's just start with a really basic rectangle. All right, I'm going to snap right to the origin. Draw out a rectangle. And that's actually all, I need to create a revolve, but I'm going to add a couple other center lines. Now center lines are this one right here. Click on that line there. I'm going to choose a line right over here. Maybe one right here. How about one over here? And let's do one up here, okay. It doesn't really matter where you put the lines, but the point is, is I want to show you different ways to take that…
