From the course: Learning SOLIDWORKS Electrical

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Creating a 2D layout

Creating a 2D layout

- [Instructor] In many industrial applications the majority of our electrical components will be held in a electrical cabinet or enclosure or an electrical panel. And of course SOLIDWORKS Electrical we can generate these paneled drawings. So, to generate a panel drawing I can first jump into my process tab, and I have an option or a button called 2D cabinet layout. What this does, essentially it will generate a new sheet for us, specifically for our cabinet layout drawings. As soon as I click the button I'll be thrown into the creation of 2D cabinet layout drawings windows here and this gives me the ability to create a layout drawing for each and every location, as well as the top level of the project. So here I can see one panel layout drawing will be created for the top project level as well as one for each location within my project. So on this specific project, I have a main electrical closet location, I have my backplate location, I have my panel door location and my motor room…
