From the course: Cert Prep: SOLIDWORKS Surfacing

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Downloading the testing software

Downloading the testing software - SOLIDWORKS Tutorial

From the course: Cert Prep: SOLIDWORKS Surfacing

Downloading the testing software

- For this video I'm going to walk you through downloading the testing software. So, over at the SolidWorks site, if you go over to the CSWPA-Surfacing exam, you can buy it right over here. But, keep in mind if you're on subscription, you can actually get offers for free certification exams. So definitely take a look at this little link right here. OK, once you head over to the testing center, or the certification center, it is now under so they're transitioning, or SolidWorks is transitioning over to the 3D experience at this point in time. So, now you're in their new world. So make sure you click over here and click on "login" If you don't already have a login you can come over here and create a virtual tester account with your email. Go ahead and create a virtual tester account that way you'll save all your certifications. Once you're done taking the exams they'll all show up inside of…
