From the course: Cert Prep: Certified SOLIDWORKS Associate

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Downloading the testing software

Downloading the testing software

- To get ready to take the CSWA exam, we first need to download the testing client. To do that, let's go ahead to And come over here to Support. And under Support, if you click down, on the bottom of the page here, you'll see Certification. Click on that, and then come down to the bottom, and you'll see the Certification Center. Go ahead and click on that. Now you can also just type in the web address. And here it is up here at the top. Once you're logged in, if you're not logged in right away, just go ahead and click on Login. It's going to ask you for some information. I'm already logged in, so, otherwise you'll probably have to set up an account prior to doing that. But right now, you can see I'm logged in here. Here's my name and I'm ready to download the client. So click on that. It's going to ask you for a download. Click on Save File. I'm going to go ahead and just put that right on my desktop. And click on Save. Now back on my desktop, you can see it here…
