From the course: Cert Prep: SOLIDWORKS Drawing Tools
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Downloading the testing software - SOLIDWORKS Tutorial
From the course: Cert Prep: SOLIDWORKS Drawing Tools
Downloading the testing software
- [Narrator] In this video, I'm going to show you how to download and install the testing software from SOLIDWORKS. Head over to and go to the certification website, and you can see the website right here at the top of the screen. Once you get there, go over here to certification center. Click on that button there. That should bring us into the certification website. If you want to, go ahead and log in. If you don't have an account, definitely create one, but more than likely, you've already taken either the CSWA or the CSWP exam at this point, so you should already have a login. Go ahead and click on that one, there. Go ahead and type in your email address, and click on login. Okay, once you're logged in, at the upper right-hand corner of the screen here, you can see the different certificates that you already have, and you can also look at your exam results as well as your different credits and vouchers and so on as well as settings. So definitely take a look at those…
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