From the course: Cert Prep: Certified SOLIDWORKS Associate

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Drawing view types

Drawing view types

On the exam, a lot of times there's going to be questions asking us to identify different drawing views. So I'll just go through the basics so we make sure that we are familiar with all of them. First off, I've got a top view of my part right here. I've already added that. Now I go up here to View Layout and I can click on Projected View which is going to take this and just going to do a isometric projection to the right, to the top, to the bottom to the right, or isometric. So in this case here I'm going to place it to the right. Now, next one. So I've got three standard views which automatically just put those three views in for us. If we didn't have a model in our assembly, we can bring a model in by using that model view. But most of the time, you're going to click on the button that says "make drawing from part" or "drawing from assembly." So you're not going to really need to bring in additional models. Unless you have multiple models on a drawing. So we already kind of covered…
