From the course: Cert Prep: SOLIDWORKS Surfacing
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Loft surfaces - SOLIDWORKS Tutorial
From the course: Cert Prep: SOLIDWORKS Surfacing
Loft surfaces
- [Instructor] To create a lofted shape, we need a curve at one end and we need another curve at the other end, and we have the option of having some guide curves in between. In fact we can have multiple individual shapes as we go through this loft, but I'm going to start with just the two. Right over here, we're continuing along with the same shape we were working on before. We've got this surface here, which is just a helper surface so I'm going to go ahead and just hide that for right now. You can see we've got a few different lines here, which we've created, so what I do need is the starting and ending shape. I don't want to create the entire loft here. I only want to create a section of this loft. What I'm going to do here is I'm going to click on this surface here or that face, start a sketch, and I'm going to go ahead and just convert this whole face. Convert Entities is going to bring everything in. And I only want…
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Spline creation4m 14s
3D curve creation3m 47s
Projected curves2m 58s
Loft surfaces4m 4s
Guided curves6m 50s
Trim Surface/Untrim Surface1m 35s
Boundary surface3m 4s
Blend surface3m 11s
Filled surface2m 16s
Planar surface1m 12s
Ruled surface creation2m 48s
Swept surface5m 14s
Knit surface4m 16s
Offset surface2m 14s
Move face2m 49s
Extend surface2m 34s
Fillet2m 32s
Thicken1m 29s
Split solid body5m 41s
Sensors2m 10s
Delete hole3m 3s