From the course: SOLIDWORKS 2020 Essential Training

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Making revolved cuts

Making revolved cuts

- [Narrator] The revolved cut feature allows us to take a basic shape and revolve it around a center line to create a cut into parts, or multiple parts. So let me show you how it works. First thing I need you to do is create a sketch. And I have a plane right here, which is the right plane which goes right through those two parts there. Click on that one. Let's go ahead and fire up a sketch. I'm going to go ahead and start with a circle and I'm going to snap it right here to the midpoint of the ending line there. And let's go ahead and then show you what's going to happen. So right now, if I were to create a regular cut, an extruded cut, it would go through the part. And you can have multiple options here, as far as like midplane, and we can define how big that is going to be. Or I just grab this arrow here and drag it out. And if I were to use that cut, it would just create a basic straight cut there if I looked…
