From the course: Learning SQL Server 2017

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Log in to the server

Log in to the server

- In order to work within the server, and gain access to the various databases and tables of information that we're storing, we'll use a program called SQL Server Management Studio. Management Studio is often referred to by its acronym, SSMS, and it'll provide a graphical interface to the server's content, so that we don't have to rely on a text-based interface, like the one that we saw when we were using the SQL Command window during the installation process. I've added a shortcut to Management Studio down on my start menu, so I'll go ahead and start it up from there. When it starts up, I'm presented with this connect to server log-in window. First, I'll confirm underneath server type that we're logging in to the database engine. The other options are to log in to an analysis services, reporting services, or integration services. I'll also verify the name of the server that I'm going to connect to. Right now on my…
