From the course: SharePoint and Digital Transformation: Sites for Collaboration and Communication
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Types of SharePoint sites - SharePoint Online Tutorial
From the course: SharePoint and Digital Transformation: Sites for Collaboration and Communication
Types of SharePoint sites
- [Instructor] Before we begin creating a SharePoint sites, let's talk about the types of SharePoint sites that exist right now that we'll find if we go look at SharePoint online in most organizations. First we have classic sites, and these are sites that were created in the past. Some might be being created right now, but these sites were the bread and butter of the SharePoint online and SharePoint server experience for quite a while. The first type is team sites, and team sites were created for collaboration among members of a team. And this isn't team in the sense we necessarily mean it now. This could have been an informal group that was created simply by adding people to a site. Or project sites, a different site template that's used to create a particular type of site experience. There are also publishing sites that were created to allow an approval process behind different types of publishing. You might see each and every one of these sites reflected in your SharePoint…
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Types of SharePoint sites1m 39s
Choose the right site type6m 23s
Create a site4m 24s
Change the site logo2m 55s
Customize the site theme3m 41s
Connect a site to a hub3m 55s
Add a page to a site2m 12s
Add web parts to a site3m 55s
Publish and promote a page1m 16s