From the course: SharePoint 2013: Installing and Configuring a Test Environment
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Create a simple SharePoint 2010 workflow - SharePoint Tutorial
From the course: SharePoint 2013: Installing and Configuring a Test Environment
Create a simple SharePoint 2010 workflow
- So I'm signed in as Spike. I'm gonna go ahead and click the Windows key, type word. And I'm gonna right-click Word 2013 and say, Pin to task bar 'cause I'll probably come back and use that here and again. Depending on your environment, you may be asked for some initial questions the first time each account logs in. I'm good, I'm gonna hit blank document here, and I'm gonna type equals rand, open and close parens. And what I'm gonna do is I would save this, File, Save As, onto my desktop. I've already created a folder called demoDocuments, and I've already done this and saved demo01, demo02, demo03, demo04 and demo05. So I'm not gonna pain you with watching me do that over and over again, but I did want you to see that the files actually can not be empty, otherwise SharePoint will reject them. So I wanna put some content in them, and that equals rand formula is a handy way to do that. So I'm gonna go ahead and close out of this one and not save it. But in other words, I have a folder…
Create a web application6m 27s
Create a site collection1m 45s
Configuring DNS3m
Loopback checking2m 37s
Configure the test account13m 2s
Create a simple SharePoint 2010 workflow6m 38s
Create a simple SharePoint 2013 workflow5m 34s