From the course: SharePoint 2013: Installing and Configuring a Test Environment

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Create a simple SharePoint 2013 workflow

Create a simple SharePoint 2013 workflow

- [Voiceover] Well, the 2010 Workflow worked great! Let's go ahead and do one for 2013 using the SharePoint 2013 Workflow Farm that we had created. So, I'm gonna go, "Site Contents", "add an app". It's a Document Library and I will call this, "SPD-2013", well, I'll put a dash there; gonna keep it consistent. And, I'll click, "Create", then I'm gonna go into the app, here. I'm gonna adjust the default view, I'll click, "Modify View". And, again I'm gonna uncheck, "Modified" and "Modified By", I know that's gonna be me. And, come down here and hit, "Title". And then I'll click, "OK", and I'll go into the, "Library Settings", "Listening, Description, and Navigation" and add that to the Quick Launch bar so I've got 2010 and 2013 over there. Similarly to what I did in the 2010 instance, I'm gonna click the "Library" tab and say, "Edit Library". This will open SharePoint Designer 2013 to the correct site, and by default it will open the Settings page of the Library I opened it from. But…
