From the course: SharePoint Quick Tips
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Creating a flow from a template - SharePoint Tutorial
From the course: SharePoint Quick Tips
Creating a flow from a template
- [Instructor] Want to automate a process in a document library? From a library or a list, start by selecting the file you want to automate the process for. Next, select the flow command from the ribbon above. Then select create a flow. A panel will display to the right side. From the list of the templates, select the flow that you would like to create. The browser tab area switches from the SharePoint page to the Flow app. Here we can see the applications that are connecting and the accounts that will be used for this. Let's scroll to the bottom and select continue. The page updates to show the steps for this. In the third step, titled post message, in the team ID field select the team that you would like this document posted in. In the channel ID field, select the channel within this team that you would like this posted in. Click save flow to complete this step and activate the automated process.