From the course: SharePoint 2019 Essential Training: The Basics
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Log in to SharePoint - SharePoint Tutorial
From the course: SharePoint 2019 Essential Training: The Basics
Log in to SharePoint
- [Instructor] We're now ready to log into SharePoint 2019. Normally, when you are invited to a SharePoint site, the person who invites you has SharePoint's server send you an email message that may look something like this. Typically, you and everyone else who was invited at the same time with the same types of permissions will receive the same email. You point to the hyperlink, and click, and it will take you directly to the site that you were invited to, that's where we are here, at the homepage of our KinetEco Team Site. That's possibility one. The second possibility is that someone may share a document with you, or perhaps an entire library. I've shared a document with myself here so I could show it to you, and I entered some text which I'm prompted to do when I share a document. It has a hyperlink that goes to the document in SharePoint, and when I click this time, it won't take me to the site. It will actually take me through the site, and will automatically load that document…
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