From the course: SharePoint: Migrating from Designer to Power Automate
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Recurring workflows
From the course: SharePoint: Migrating from Designer to Power Automate
Recurring workflows
- [Instructor] There are many instances where you might need to run a workflow on a schedule. Perhaps you need to send out reminders to complete a task. This would be fairly difficult feat to accomplish in SharePoint Designer. Fortunately, Power Automate provides a recurrence trigger to handle this need. Let's walk through how to set up a simple flow which sends a weekly reminder to enter in your work time. To set up a recurring flow, click the My flows tab. In the New button, select Scheduled from blank. In this screen, enter a name for your workflow, and configure when you want this workflow to run. We can set a start date here, and time from the dropdown. Now we need to tell it, how often do we want this workflow to repeat. This can go up from seconds all the way to months. In this case, I want a weekly reminder to be sent out every Friday before 5:00, so I'm going to set the Repeat to 1, and this dropdown to Week.…