From the course: SharePoint 2019 Essential Training: The Basics

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Types of SharePoint sites

Types of SharePoint sites

- [Instructor] There are different types of sites in SharePoint 2019. One of the new features of SharePoint 2019 is the Modern Experience, and that brings modern team and communication sites. This site, SharePoint Home, is a type of team site. You could think of it as a team site for one. It is unique, it is the only site created this way, and it's actually your personal, customizable site. If we visit the KinetEco Team Site, what we're seeing is a modern team site. And the Modern Experience is an experience that has already been piloted in Office 365 and SharePoint Online, so after a great deal of feedback from users in the cloud environment this experience has now been ported over to SharePoint 2019 on premises. And in addition to modern team sites, we also have modern communication sites. For example, this is a modern communication site. It looks a little different, it serves a different purpose. Team sites are meant for collaboration. A number of different people working together…
