From the course: Video Gear

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Mounting a DSLR to a micro tripod

Mounting a DSLR to a micro tripod

From the course: Video Gear

Mounting a DSLR to a micro tripod

It's like we shot it with the enlarging ray. >> LAUGH >> It's bigger. It looks exactly the same. Just bigger. >> Yeah that's true and then this is, I, I actually think there's another one big, a little bigger than even this one. >> Yeah. >> Now the cool thing about, you'll find about this one. Is that it just in your hands, is going to feel beefier and sturdier. You'll notice with these small ones, you can just kind of with one hand, kind of manipulate the legs >> Yeah. >> To move around. This definitely takes a couple hands to move them and kind of bend them in place. That's because it supports a lot more weight. You'll also notice that the arms here are longer. >> And metal. >> And metal too. So that's going to give you more leverage if your wrapping them around things. Obviously the metal is stronger than the plastic. One of my favorite things is to take this over the top of a doorway and then position these on the other side of the door, and then of course with the tilt head it's…
