From the course: SketchBook Pro 7 Essential Training
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Exporting a finished rendering - SketchBook Pro Tutorial
From the course: SketchBook Pro 7 Essential Training
Exporting a finished rendering
In this video we're going to take a look at how to export your finished rendering. So let's open up our layer editor and you can see that this file comprises of multiple layers, and each has a specific component. So the first question to ask is will you be going back to modify this at a later date? So you want to keep your layers intact if you intend to do this. If you don't you can flatten them all down into one layer. And to do this you're going to go to File > Save As, and again as I mentioned to keep the layering intact we need to use either a PXD, we need to use a TIFF or we need to use the PSD file. So Photoshop files or TIFF files will keep your layering system in tact. So let's go ahead and choose a PSD file. We're going to put it on to our desktop, and let's just call this image001. Let's do the same, save as. And this time we are going to use a JPEG. Now it's going to come up with a question to say well okay if you want to flatten everything, what quality do you want the end…
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