From the course: SketchUp: Tips & Tricks

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Draw standard staircases

Draw standard staircases - SketchUp Tutorial

From the course: SketchUp: Tips & Tricks

Draw standard staircases

- Hi, I'm George Maestri and today I'm going to take a look at how to do standard framing stairs. So stairs somewhat like this, that have three main components. We have stringers, which are these diagonal boards on the side, we also have risers, which are at the front of the step, and then we have the steps themselves, which are called treads. Now I'm not going to get into the mathematics of how to actually calculate a staircase, we're just going to go ahead and draw one. But the two values that I really need to know are what are called the rise and the run. So the rise is how far up the step goes, and the run is how deep the step is. So essentially it's the size of the riser board and the size of the tread. Now with those two values we should be able to get a good stair. So I'm going to go ahead and start off with a blank scene. And for this staircase, I'm going to use the United States standard of a seven inch rise and an 11 inch run, and that's for a residential staircase. Now your…
