From the course: SketchUp: Concept Drawings with Photoshop
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Add shadows
From the course: SketchUp: Concept Drawings with Photoshop
Add shadows
- [Narrator] Now let's take a look at how to do shadows. We have already brought in our shadow layer and it is now called layer 4 but I'm going to go ahead and double click on this, so let's just call it, Shadows. Now this shadow layer can be overlaid the same way that we overlaid the lines, all we have to do is change the blending mode to Multiply. And when I do that the shadows show up. Now one of the reasons we do it this way is because we can actually control the opacity of this layer to control the heaviness of the shadow. Now if we want we can turn this back into normal mode and we can actually start to play with the quality of the shadow. Now many times you'll want the shadow not to be a black and white shadow but to have a little pop of color to it. And that can add a little bit of life to your drawing. So one of the things I like to do is just do an Image, Adjustments, Hue Saturation and we can turn on Colorize, and now we can change our shadow to be just about any color we…
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Set up the scene3m 11s
Export layers to Photoshop7m 22s
Use bold colors for easy selection3m 18s
Import into Photoshop3m 19s
Adjust line quality5m 10s
Add shadows6m 53s
Glass and reflections3m 31s
Create water effects4m 30s
Paint grass6m 36s
Add trees and foliage12m 10s
Create depth effects6m 34s
Finalize the image4m 26s