From the course: SketchUp Pro: Kitchen Design

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Add a sink, faucet, and dishwasher

Add a sink, faucet, and dishwasher - SketchUp Tutorial

From the course: SketchUp Pro: Kitchen Design

Add a sink, faucet, and dishwasher

- [Instructor] We need a few more components in the kitchen. In particular, we could start with a range hood here. Go into the 3D Warehouse and type range hood. And you'll see a number of items here. Think we could get more specific. I'll add a keyword over here. Under counter, or under cabinet, rather. And that gets us just to the type of range hoods that I am looking for. I'll try this one. And I can place it right there. Perfect. I'll orbit around, and let's think about the kitchen island. I'm going to double-click on the island to open it, and press N to hide the rest of the model. This will make it easier to navigate. I will select this edge, press M for Move, click its endpoint to start moving it. Press and release the Option key on the Mac or the Control key in Windows to make a copy. And with the cursor along the lower edge, type 24 Enter. I'll press the Space bar. Click the lower edge, and in much the same way, I'll copy this up 12 inches, then I'll type 2X to make two…
