From the course: SketchUp: Kitchen Design

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Adding cabinet handles

Adding cabinet handles - SketchUp Tutorial

From the course: SketchUp: Kitchen Design

Adding cabinet handles

[Instructor] We're going to make handles in this video. Let's zoom in on the lower cabinet. Press c for circle, and make a circle in the red orientation snapped to this point right here. I'll click to set the center. Now, let's specify a radius of 3/16 of an inch. Type three forward slash one six enter. And then zoom in closely on that circle. All circles in SketchUp are made up of a discrete number of straight line segments. Because this circle is going to be extruded and used as a handle, and we are going to have many handles in the kitchen, it behooves us to minimize the number of segments in the circle at this point. Type 8s, which stands for eight segments, and press enter. That converts this into an octagon. Press p and then push this forward eight inches, type 8 enter. I'll zoom out and take a look at this handle. It looks like a smooth cylinder, because the eight sides are smoothed together. We can only really perceive it's an octagon if we get really close to that object…
