From the course: SketchUp Weekly

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Building a detailed kitchen cabinet

Building a detailed kitchen cabinet - SketchUp Tutorial

From the course: SketchUp Weekly

Building a detailed kitchen cabinet

- [Instructor] When drawing kitchen cabinets in SketchUp it's important to just draw what you see, don't worry about the inner shelves and drawers inside of cabinets, unless that visual is really important to you. As we click around on this kitchen we can see that these cabinets are grouped together either by a cabinet box or buy a run of cabinets, so this run of upper cabinets is one group and this cabinet box here is another group. So you'll need to decide which method is better for you, but let's practice drawing each cabinet in its own group or component. I'm going to open a new file and we're going to draw a 36 inch wide cabinet. So using the rectangle tool, r for rectangle, I'll move over here, I'm going to draw a three foot comma, by two foot cabinet. Now I'm going to push-pull, p for push-pull, click and release, and move that face up to 34.5 inches, and I did that dimension, not the 36-inch because I'm leaving room…
