From the course: SketchUp Weekly

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Creating an opening for a sink

Creating an opening for a sink - SketchUp Tutorial

From the course: SketchUp Weekly

Creating an opening for a sink

- [Instructor] Creating an opening in a face to fit an organic shape, like this sink, can cause you to scratch your head a bit because the instinct may be to double-click into the face and try to draw the shape. You may try and draw a rectangle and push it down so that the sink will fit in there properly. And the goal with that is so that when you place your sink, you're not seeing the countertop material pass through the bowl of the sink. So there's no need to actually draw the shape. What we're going to do is use the Intersect Faces function of SketchUp. But first, we need to place the sink where we would like it, and then we can go ahead and cut the hole. So I'm going to use my Move tool to place this, and it's a bit of a three-point turn using inferencing. We're going to move along each axis one at a time. I'm going to click and release on the edge of the sink here, and I'm going to move it down the blue axis. If I'm…
