From the course: SketchUp Pro: Kitchen Design
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Design materials for the cabinets and counters - SketchUp Tutorial
From the course: SketchUp Pro: Kitchen Design
Design materials for the cabinets and counters
- [Instructor] We can dramatically improve the appearance of the model by adding materials. In this video, we will design a material for the cabinets and a couple of other materials for the countertops. To begin the process, press b or click on the paint bucket tool up here. On the Mac operating system you'll see a floating colors window. In the Window's operating system, you'll see this over in the default tray. And the interfaces look a little bit different. On the Mac there are different color pickers that are available up here. In Windows there's just one color picker that's built in. And that would be this one here. Click the brick icon to go to SketchUp's native color picker. Then you'll see a drop down list of different material libraries that ship with the program. And we certainly could select any one of the materials in here by clicking on it. And then assigning it to an object in the model. But I'd like to design a new material from scratch using one of the texture map…
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Create a curved cantilevered counter6m 4s
Detail the counter and lower cabinets6m 13s
Sweep with the Section and Follow Me tools5m 15s
Add detail to the L-shaped base cabinets4m 19s
Detail the upper cabinets7m 28s
Design materials for the cabinets and counters9m 19s
Create geometry for the floor zones and backsplash4m 26s
Design additional materials and adjust the texture position6m 53s