From the course: SketchUp for Architecture

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Dropping in the sink top

Dropping in the sink top - SketchUp Tutorial

From the course: SketchUp for Architecture

Dropping in the sink top

- [Instructor] Chapter 07_10, we are dropping in the sink. So, the sink is here, it's in the components. So, if you have access to the Exercise files, then click the details, then Open All Create Collection, and Chapter 07 Modeling Interior Fixtures, Chapter 07 Components, select that folder. And then, it'll load up these components. And it'll be down under the S's, so Sink Top. Click on that and then drag it in. It's quite a sophisticated one. So, I'll just rotate that around through 90 degrees or 180 degrees in this case. I will drop it in. Now, notice that we obviously need some depth. We need a cutout in our work surface like you would have in reality. And also, these units underneath are also causing a bit of a problem So, this is a little bit tricky this one. It's probably harder than a lot of the things that we've done, just to get it accurate. Now, because of the quality of this top, now we really need to follow the form around it. Okay, and there's lots of little tricky edges…
