From the course: SketchUp: Tips & Tricks

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Mirror objects

Mirror objects

- [George] Hi, I'm George Maestri. There're many times in Sketchup when you'll need to make a mirror of an object. So, let's take a look at some of the various ways to mirror or reflect an object or component. So, here I have a simple component that is, basically, just some text. Now, if I want to mirror it, I will first have to duplicate it, and I can hold down Control, Move, and then I can just say move it down in the blue axis. Now, if I want to mirror this, I can use the Scale tool. Now, the Scale tool works in a couple of different ways. So, by default, using the Scale tool, I can scale around the opposite point. So, here I can scale through the opposite point, which in this case is the bottom. So, I scale down and then around, and notice in the bottom right hand corner how this snaps at negative one. And when this is at negative one, I have a mirror. So, you can see if I snap that and move it into place, I have a very nice mirror. Now, I'm going to go ahead and undo this. Now…
