From the course: SketchUp for Architecture

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What plugins are and where to find them

What plugins are and where to find them - SketchUp Tutorial

From the course: SketchUp for Architecture

What plugins are and where to find them

- [Teacher] Now SketchUp is a pretty amazing piece of software but every now and then you might be in a situation where you need a little bit of help from a plugin. Now the way to get access to those is through the extension warehouse. There are other sites online which will allow you to download the plugins as well. They might not load directly in but they will provide you with an RBZ file which you can then load through the extension manager. So what we're going to do first is right-click on this bar and the tool that we're going for is the warehouse tool. Okay so if you go to tool palattes on the Mac you'll find the warehouse tool as well and it'll have the same four icons. This is 3D warehouse, this is to upload your model. That's for components and this one here, a ruby in a box, is the extension warehouse. So we click on that and that takes us to the extension warehouse. Now you need to be signed in or create an account for this. You can use your Google account if you want or…
