From the course: SketchUp 2020 Essential Training

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Offset tool

Offset tool

- [Instructor] The offset tool is helpful when you want to replicate a shape within itself or outside of itself. In this example, we are going to give each door some trim. So I'll activate the offset tool by clicking on this icon here or the keyboard shortcut letter f. Click and release on the face that you would like to offset and move your cursor inward of the shape or outward of the shape. In this case, I'm going to move it inward. Now, I can click and release to set the offset down, or I can type in a measured distance. I'd like these offsets to be at one inch, so I'm going to type one Enter. And now SketchUp will remember that previous distance for this tool. So I can double-click on the next doors, and it will remember that one-inch offset. Now, the offset tool can be a little bit finicky, and sometimes it will set down the shape during your double-click right where your cursor was. In that case, we'll need to undo…
