From the course: IoT Foundations: Low-Power Wireless Networking

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Use 6LoWPAN for IoT wireless networks

Use 6LoWPAN for IoT wireless networks

- 6LoWPAN is an open standard by the internet engineering task force, IETF. It shares many features of Zigbee networks in terms of the unlicensed frequency bands, network topologies, support for low power devices, data link layer security schemes, and target applications. The 6LoWPAN network provides a direct IPv6 support on top of the IEEE 802.15.4 radio interface. The direct IPv6 support is suitable for a dense 6LoWPAN because of the large IPv6 address space. 6LoWPAN can make IoT and devices connect to other IP networks without using any proxies. Also, it allows us to use popular tools and protocols running on top of IP technologies. Throughout they're used by many communication systems however in order to support direct IP's we seek to support there are two major problems to be solved. One is the mismatch between IP package size and the IEEE 802.15.4 package size. The other is the efficient routing schemes for…
