From the course: UX Research Methods: Card Sorting
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Card sorting uses
From the course: UX Research Methods: Card Sorting
Card sorting uses
- Card sorting can be used anytime you're trying to create or update elements of information architecture. The process gives a structured way to understand users' preconceived notions and expectations about how to group and label content and tasks. Understanding users' existing notions, often called mental models, helps us create systems that are easy to navigate and understand, a critical part of a successful information architecture and overall experience. Card sorts can be done with proposed elements or existing elements and are especially useful in website redesigns or when a product is having new elements introduced that need to be incorporated seamlessly. They can also be incredibly helpful in designing a brand new system. The method is usually used as a generative technique, which means it's used to explore how people think, their context, and their potential problems, but not necessarily to evaluate a specific solution. This means that card sorts are usually used at the…
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