From the course: Learning Vectorworks
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Understanding the sheet layers - Vectorworks Tutorial
From the course: Learning Vectorworks
Understanding the sheet layers
- [Instructor] In traditional drafting, annotations, title blocks and other descriptive elements are laid out on sheets of paper. In Vectorworks, sheet layers take our CAD designs and present them in a stylized and organized way. Notice in this file, we're currently in a design layer. The background is an off white color. Let's go up to our info bar and change our layer to a sheet layer, S-01. You notice that the background is now white. Kind of looks like a sheet of paper. Vectorworks color codes the different view types that are currently presented. Another thing to consider is scale. Where design layers can have different scales, sheet layers are always one-to-one. This replicates the printed page of scale. Let's take a closer look at the sheet border. If we highlight this border, we can see that it is a separate object. Title blocks stick to the print area, but we can double click on this and we notice that there is a title block connected to this and we have a dialog box where we…
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