From the course: Filmmaking Forum: Scene Analysis

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A conversation with writer/director/editor Jason Hallows

A conversation with writer/director/editor Jason Hallows

From the course: Filmmaking Forum: Scene Analysis

A conversation with writer/director/editor Jason Hallows

- Jason, thank you so much for screening that scene for us. I'm looking forward to learning a little bit more about your work with this film. You wrote, you directed, you edited this film Can you give us an idea of how you came up with the idea? And what story you wanted to tell here with The Last Broadcast. - It was just one of those random ideas that pops in to your head. I had a friend that was going through a breakup, and I was listening to him talk about it, and it was as if he was experiencing, it was the end of the world for him. And I remember after he left the conversation I thought, the end of the relationship really does feel like the end of the world and it really does feel like it's all crumbling and there's nothing that's going to be left. And I emailed that to myself. I said, I emailed myself the end of a relationship is like the apocalypse. But it's not. And it's, life continues after that. And when you get far enough away, it all looks kind of silly to you. But you've…
