From the course: Learning Markdown
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GitHub Flavored Markdown - Markdown Tutorial
From the course: Learning Markdown
GitHub Flavored Markdown
- Markdown was created by John Gruber in 2004, and although the language has had minor updates it hasn't really grown significantly in the past few years. And therefore some variants of the language have appeared to allow for additional and sometimes useful features. However, a lot of these will be dependent on the editor or the platform that you're using. One of the most popular changes is something called GFM or GitHub Flavored Markdown. You can find out more about GFM on this page. It tells you all the differences between the traditional Markdown and GFM. Let's go and summarize those right here. Number one, GFM ignores any underscore characters that you put in your text. So whenever you want to create, say, a bold or emphasis tag, you would just use stars or asterisks next to each word. It's going to ignore anything that you do with underscores, unlike traditional Markdown. Now, another change is that GFM adds an additional strikethrough style, and you do that by adding some tilde…