From the course: Windows Server 2016: Active Directory Certificate Services

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Configuring a web enrollment server

Configuring a web enrollment server

- [Narrator] Now back when we installed this Subordinate Certificate Authority for the New England Domain, we installed another feature of Certificate Services, the Enrollment Web Services. That roll installed some web protocols and that's a big part of why the CRL demonstration worked as well as it did. But we didn't finish the configuration of that service. So I'm going to close the Certification Authority Tool and you'll notice here in Server Manager that we still have a Notification. If I select that, it's telling me that I haven't finished Configuring Active Directory Certificate Services. So I'm going to select to do that now so that we can go ahead and configure that service. Like many of the rolls that we've worked with so far, the configuration begins by asking for credentials of a user with enough permissions to do this configuration. We're logged in with the Domain Administrator account and so that's been suggested…
