From the course: Cert Prep: Word 2016 Microsoft Office Expert (77-726)
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Insert and modify captions and create a table of figures
From the course: Cert Prep: Word 2016 Microsoft Office Expert (77-726)
Insert and modify captions and create a table of figures
- [Instructor] Adding captions to the objects in your Word document tells users exactly what they're looking at and helps you quickly create a Table of Figures to be used as a reference for all the objects in your document. In our 04_03 Captions document, we have some pictures that we're going to assign captions to. Now you can also assign captions to any type of graphic. It can be clip art or it can be smart art. Any object that you have in your document, you can put a caption on. After you have your captions inserted, you can create a great looking Table of Figures. Let's go ahead and jump into our document and get started. Flowers of the Farm. We're going to be assigning some captions to our pictures of our flowers. Here's our first one. It's a flowering oak tree. Now you wouldn't know that just by looking at it, so we're going to insert a caption. We start by selecting the graphic, right-click, Insert Caption. Now we have some options right away that we need to talk about. I have…
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Mark, create, and update index entries5m 4s
Customize a table of contents3m 3s
Insert and modify captions and create a table of figures4m 30s
Add and modify custom form fields and controls6m 38s
Create and manage a mail merge document5m 12s
✓ Challenge: Advanced references26s
✓ Solution: Advanced references5m 12s