From the course: Creating a Short Film: 03 Pre-Production
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What is a shot list?
From the course: Creating a Short Film: 03 Pre-Production
What is a shot list?
- A shot list is a list of the camera shots that you need to get while you're filming. While other pre-production tasks, like scheduling and budgeting are done by the first assistant director or another crew member, the shot list is usually created by the director of photography in conjunction with the director. Because our director of photography quit the project at the last minute, I ended up having to fill that role. So I didn't have any collaboration in the creation of the shot list, and I think our film really suffered for it. All components of film-making are benefited by collaboration, especially the making of the shot list. So how do you create a shot list? We'll look at the mechanics of how to do that in the next tutorial, but the point is that you want to get enough footage so the editor can tell the story in the best possible way in post-production. This is referred to as getting coverage of a scene. For example, if we just used a single shot to record the entire hut scene,…
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