From the course: WordPress: REST API

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Challenge: Add dynamic related posts navigation

Challenge: Add dynamic related posts navigation - WordPress Tutorial

From the course: WordPress: REST API

Challenge: Add dynamic related posts navigation

(upbeat music) - [Instructor] Time for one final challenge. This one requires quite a bit of work, so set aside some time and make sure you come at it with a fresh mind. In the exercise files for this movie you'll find a child theme called related child. Once the exercise is done, I want you to build out this child theme so that when you go to a single post and scroll down to the bottom of the post, you get this related posts section. And when you hit this related posts section, a query is sent to the REST API to return the three most recent posts from whatever categories the current post is in, that's what makes them related, they're all in the same categories. Those three posts are displayed below, and there are links you can click on them to go to the individual posts. What you have right now in your exercise files are the bones to get this to work but the functionality is not complete. So your job is to figure…
