From the course: ZBrush: Modeling Footwear
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Making a shoelace brush - ZBrush Tutorial
From the course: ZBrush: Modeling Footwear
Making a shoelace brush
- [Narrator] Zbrush has a brush built in that will create a tube along a curve that you could use for making shoelaces, however, I want a higher degree of detail and control. The built-in brush doesn't have UVs laid out for easy texturing. By making my own tube brush, I can set it up so that I can easily apply a weave bump map for detail. Let's see how to get started on that. Okay, just like the grommets, I'm gonna start with a separate primitive in a different tool. So let's go over to our toolbox, and we've already got a cylinder from the last grommet that we made. I'm just gonna go ahead and click on that, and we can make some modifications to this for making our shoelaces. So let's go down to initialize, and let's change the H divide, let's just change this to four. I'm going to hit shift; I have to turn on a wire frame. We can get rid of all these vertical divisions, and everything else looks good, so I'm going to go up to "Make Polymesh 3D," and we'll just lock in all those…
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