From the course: SOLIDWORKS: Drawings

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Aligned section view

Aligned section view

Creating an aligned section view in SolidWorks, is very similar to creating a section view. In fact, we have to go in through that option, through that feature to make it. So, if we go up to our view layout tab, and select section view. The bottom right option, that we have here is aligned. To create an aligned section view. I'm now going to drag my cursor out on the screen. And you can see, instead of having a singular profile, it is two separate lines that I'm going to direct their orientation. So because I'm using a circular object over here, I'm going to go to the center point of this hole, click on that to position the first line. And now I'm going to rotate around to a different position to select the second line. So I've positioned the first one through here and the second line through here. I'm going to hit OK. Now when I drag over, I get a section view. But you can see, I didn't go straight up through.…
