Blender: Tips, Tricks and Techniques
With David Andrade
Liked by 6,694 users
Duration: 20h 33m
Skill level: Intermediate
Released: 6/28/2017
Course details
Blender boasts a variety of essential features and add-ons for 3D creation. In this weekly series, learn how to better leverage these tools—and work with some features that you may not have heard of yet. Join David Andrade as he covers a variety of topics, including useful Blender simulations, updates to Blender such as the Principled BSDF shader, and animation techniques. Tune in every Wednesday for a new Blender trick to enhance your media production workflow.
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Handy Blender settings and add-ons3m
PBR workflow for Blender3m 51s
Light it on fire!5m 23s
Filmic and HDR in Blender3m 33s
Quick animation tips and tricks6m 48s
Camera tracking like a pro8m 20s
Materials and Multiscatter GGX3m 13s
Destroy everything with dynamics4m 21s
Kill fireflies with good render settings8m 39s
Rig a character with Rigify10m 44s
Let's make clouds!4m 59s
Quick compositing tricks5m 18s
Rig a mouth using Shape Keys7m 32s
Ignite a fiery tornado4m 11s
An in-depth eye rig8m 12s
DupliFaces3m 5s
Particle armies6m 9s
Let's make grass13m 4s
Make it rain5m 49s
Cloth simulation: Flag4m 46s
A quick ocean8m 20s
Dynamic painting7m 24s
UV like a pro10m 37s
Camera tricks8m 53s
Shrink wrap your life6m 10s
Alembics and offsets7m 51s
Work with modeling tools5m 33s
Orphan data7m 6s
Use the Mesh Edit Tools add-on4m 35s
Sculpting in Blender6m 29s
Lattices4m 43s
3D printing13m 31s
New add-ons for Dynamic Sky5m 48s
Magic UV4m 4s
Import Images as Planes3m 49s
Projections in camera6m 50s
How to data transfer5m 57s
UV without UVs6m 55s
Work with the Grease Pencil8m 10s
Random color nodes5m 48s
Tile textures6m 48s
Wood floor textures10m 47s
Light path nodes for rendering8m 48s
Emission volumes for quick rendering4m 36s
Pointiness in cycles5m 27s
Box mapping in cycles6m 4s
Save memory in Blender with Remap5m 35s
Quick mesh cleanup with Dissolve7m 50s
Undo History4m 12s
Quick mesh cleanup with Decimate5m 37s
Forming fog and mist7m 31s
Create glare streaks8m 31s
Create rays of light5m 1s
Useful geometry with Archimesh6m 56s
Grow ivy or moss on an object5m 20s
Create a twist effect for columns5m 9s
Unique selection tools7m 20s
Bridge edge loops5m 54s
Take measurements inside of Blender4m 5s
Extra hidden objects in Blender6m 56s
Hide geometry with masks7m 2s
Create cutouts6m 55s
A better way to fill in a mesh5m
Create a 3D text object5m 2s
Clean up renders with denoising8m 47s
Quick render tests with overrides6m 23s
Quick Fluid6m 11s
Simplify AO7m 54s
Add-ons: Dynamic Context Menu4m 6s
Python: Quick renaming6m 14s
Python: Set origin on multiple objects6m 1s
Animating cameras: Turnaround4m 3s
Animating cameras: Following objects5m 15s
Using multiple constraints on one object7m 42s
Fun with constraints: Elevator and Pivot4m 53s
Face rigging with Rigify6m 51s
Quick tree making6m 58s
Quick strokes in freestyle and line boil6m 11s
Advanced freestyle lines7m 13s
Cartoon shading in cycles5m 1s
Quick animation with functions7m 48s
Python: Set viewport color6m 6s
Modeling hair using Curves8m 42s
Making quick fur8m 22s
Using the Hair BSDF node5m 35s
Making fire out of nodes10m 58s
Combining multiple UV maps7m 59s
Workflows: Why you should link10m 2s
Workflows: Rigging with a mesh cage6m 38s
Workflows: Using NLA Editor8m 29s
Workflows: Sharing animation7m 25s
Dealing with a dense scenes, part 1: Groups and layers7m 12s
Dealing with a dense scenes, part 2: Scene background6m 32s
Dealing with a dense scenes, part 3: ID mask8m 35s
Dealing with a dense scenes, part 4: Cryptomattes7m 46s
Modeling: Quick Bend, Solidify, and Fatten5m 18s
Rigging: Molding and fixing your rigged character8m 52s
Dynamically paint different cycle materials7m 29s
Create and clean a mess with physics7m 38s
Create and clean a mess with particles8m 43s
Creating particles along a curve7m 14s
Modeling: Remeshing with Blender9m 49s
Modeling: Remeshing with instant meshes7m 13s
Groups are now collections4m 34s
Driving animation with the new Drivers tools3m 11s
Bone Relative for faster rigging6m 12s
The big jump: Welcome to Blender 2.83m 43s
Where is everything in Blender 2.8?!4m 52s
Cleaner bevel and hardening normals3m 46s
The new Weighted Normal modifier2m 41s
Smoothing it out with custom normals4m 27s
Mesh analysis for 3D printers4m 3s
Subdividing beautifully4m 12s
Modeling: Photogrammetry with Meshroom6m 43s
View layers and masking your objects3m 52s
One simple trick to rendering faster2m 20s
Quick viewport renders in Blender 2.85m 13s
EEVEE for beginners: Materials3m 54s
EEVEE for beginners: Light and shadow5m 4s
EEVEE for beginners: Depth of field5m 32s
EEVEE for beginners: Volumes4m 44s
EEVEE for beginners: Motion blur2m 35s
EEVEE for beginners: Toon shading with Shader to RGB5m 5s
EEVEE for Beginners: Indirection lighting probes4m 12s
EEVEE for Beginners: Reflections5m 31s
EEVEE for Beginners: Hair4m 2s
Blender 2.8 animation: Keying sets4m 14s
Blender 2.8 animation: Delta transforms5m
Blender physics 101: Hair dynamics8m 7s
Blender physics 101: Hair children8m 15s
Blender physics 101: Hairs and particle instances7m 12s
Blender physics 101: Soft body dynamics6m 51s
Blender physics 101: Combining hair and soft body7m 33s
Blender physics 101: Hi-res smoke5m 45s
Blender physics 101: Fireballs6m 49s
Blender physics 101: Smoke and forces6m 53s
Blender physics 101: Rendering volumes faster7m 29s
Blender physics 101: Particle smoke6m 49s
Blender physics 101: Smoke magic9m 26s
Quick tip: Clipping plane4m 36s
Intel Open Image Denoise to make images pretty and faster6m 30s
UI improvements in Blender 2.81 and 2.824m 7s
Library Overrides6m 43s
Let’s make balloons: Cloth simulation with air pressure6m 3s
Mantaflow: New physically based fluid simulation6m 9s
Smoke and fire simulations with Mantaflow5m 51s
Mantaflow guides4m 5s
Advanced Cycles nodes updates6m 40s
Blender and UDIM5m 59s
New sculpting tools in Blender5m 25s
Remeshing sculpts in Blender5m 41s
Create levels of detail objects with Multires5m 3s
Actual sun positions in Blender4m 57s
Fix self-overlapping transparency5m 47s
New helpful Blender preferences6m 57s
Blender 2.83 and virtual reality5m 7s
Adaptive sampling in Blender 2.835m 29s
Wave and noise texture updates in Blender 2.835m 6s
Volume rendering speed-up trick5m 5s
Attach objects with updated Child Of constraint5m 19s
New sculpting brush: The Cloth brush4m 59s
Quickly organize sculpture with Face Sets3m 15s
Simplify Graph Editor keys with Decimate4m 23s
Projected textures with lights5m 25s
New Unreal Engine tools for Blender7m 55s
How OpenVDB improves Blender volumes6m 34s
Expand UVs automatically with Blender 2.904m 25s
New Transform Fill for Grease Pencil3m 1s
Grease Pencil Vertex Paint tricks4m 22s
Easy way to manage collections4m 41s
An incredible update to Sky in Blender 2.903m 51s
Unsubdivide High Polygon meshes in Blender 2.905m 26s
Modeling updates to Blender 2.905m 18s
Preview scenes with Viewport Denoising in Blender4m 35s
Library overrides updates in Blender 2.904m 39s
Use BlenderKit to quickly build out scenes3m 12s
Updated Physics tab for fluids6m 45s
The latest in quality-of-life improvements5m 9s
How to use wetmaps and particles to make snow12m 50s
Command the high seas with Blender's updated ocean4m 29s
Using heat to make explosions hot8m 37s
Importing SVGs to make beautiful logo renders7m 36s
Quickly create a dog or cat rig in Blender6m 48s
Animating animals in Blender7m 28s
How to use the NLA editor in Blender6m 14s
Grease pencil to 3D mesh4m 17s
Create augmented reality files with Blender3m 43s
Cloth, collisions, and Alembic caches5m 33s
Data transfer for porting character rigs7m 46s
How Geometry Nodes Changes Everything4m 38s
Point Clouds8m 56s
Block Out a Scene in Blender in Two Clicks!3m 24s
Getting Sticky with Viscosity6m 48s
Camera Tracking in Blender 2.92 Improvements6m 36s
Image Trace Your Drawings in Grease Pencil!4m 9s
Making 2D Animation Easier with Interpolating4m 1s
Quick Cryptomattes with EEVEE6m 51s
Move Along a Curve8m 20s
Sculpt like a Pro with MultiRes and Sculpt Mode4m 9s
What data-blocks are and how to use them5m 38s
Helpful animation tips and tricks6m
What’s included
- Learn on the go Access on tablet and phone