From the course: SOLIDWORKS 2019 Essential Training

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Creating linear patterns

Creating linear patterns

- [Instructor] The Linear Pattern tool allows you to take one feature or multiple features, and pattern them in one or more directions on your part. In this case here I've got this one little cut which is a little hexagon that's been cut there, and I want to pattern that across this part here in two directions. So the first thing I want to do is come up here to the Linear Pattern tool. Click on that one there. And my first direction's going to be any line going in the direction that I'd like to go in. You can also choose a face, some like it like a face, and it will define the direction. Or you can choose instead of a face, you can choose a line like that one there, okay? Now I wanted to find how many I'd like and also the spacing, but before I do that, let's go ahead and select the actual feature we want to pattern. So go over here on the dropdown and I'm going to pattern just that Cut-Extrude number one. And that's going to be right in here. And you can see as soon as I select that…
