From the course: SOLIDWORKS: Drawings

Crop view

- [Instructor] Sometimes you don't want to get all of a particular view on your screen in a SOLIDWORKS drawing. So you want to create what's called a crop view. If you go up here to where it says View Layout and we float over to the end, we see Crop View. This crops an existing view to show only a portion of the view. And how this works is we're going to actually use a sketch entity, a closed contour to define what part of the drawing view we want to see and then crop out the rest just like we would with a picture if we were editing it. So let's go ahead and click Crop view. You see when I click on that, it's looking for a closed sketch profile. So I suggest if you want to use this feature, don't start by just clicking on it. I'm going to hit Escape, I'm going to select this drawing view. Go up to Sketch, go over to Corner Rectangle, click on it, activate it and now I'm going to come back over to this drawing view and create a sketch around the part of the view that I want to capture. I'm going to go ahead and finish that and while the sketch is still activated, I'm going to go up to View Layout and click on Crop View. Now you can see it's chopped away the rest of the view down below and we have a smaller view. So if we want to zoom in on something in particular, we can go down, change this scale and now with the cropped version, everything fits on our drawing. If you right click on the view, you can go up to this Crop View option and hit Edit Crop or Remove Crop. So if you don't want the crop anymore, you can just remove it but if you do want it but you just want to change the size of it, click on Edit Crop. It brings back up your original sketch and you can extend it or make it smaller. When you're done, you just click on Exit Sketch and you get the edited crop view that you were hoping to attain. If you want to remove it like I was mentioning before, you just right click, go to Crop View and remove crop. You can see though it does leave the sketch in there in case you want to use it again to make another crop view.
