From the course: SOLIDWORKS 2019 Essential Training

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Lofted shapes with guide curves

Lofted shapes with guide curves - SOLIDWORKS Tutorial

From the course: SOLIDWORKS 2019 Essential Training

Lofted shapes with guide curves

- [Narrator] As you can see from the first loft movie that the loft command is pretty powerful but you need a little bit of work to set it up. In this example here, I've got a few different planes and I have a bunch of different sketches that are defining the shape here. So you can pretty much see that I've kind of created a wire frame so I've got a straight line here in the back that kind of connects the back corner. I got a couple of profiles out here on the outside and then I got a couple of just points here at the ends to create a shape. So what we're going to do is create a loft. Come up here to lofted boss base, my profiles. So I'm going to start here with the profiles from this little tree here. So my starting point here is right there and I want to make that go to that profile right there. So if I choose that profile, you can see I get kind of like a little cone shape here so it follows this outside profile but it doesn't follow these other profiles and then I want to end over…
