From the course: SOLIDWORKS 2019 Essential Training

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Making revolved cuts

Making revolved cuts

- [Instructor] The revolved cut feature works very similar to the standard revolve. We need a center line and we also need an enclosed boundary to revolve around. Now in this case here, we have a couple of solids and we're going to go ahead and make a couple of cuts on top of these parts. So the first thing we want to do is draw out my sketch. Now I have a front plane here, I have a top plane, and I have this right plane. So the right plane goes right through the two parts, so it's probably a good choice to start from there. Go ahead and start a sketch directly on that plane. And the first thing I'm going to do is just create like a little triangle. So over here, let's click normal to, so hit the space bar. You might get a little popup, but I'm going to spin normal to this. And then let's go snap to the top of this thing, draw a line and just draw a little rectangular shape right here. And then of course, we need a center line. So here's my center line, starting at the origin, moving…
