From the course: iOS App Development: RESTful Web Services
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From the course: iOS App Development: RESTful Web Services
- [Bear] Hi, I'm Bear Cahill, and if you've done much iOS development or just about any server API-related development, you've probably heard of REST. Server APIs that use a RESTful style include a lot of consistencies that make developing a client app smooth and predictable, but they also allow for flexibility and variation when necessary. In many cases, RESTful server APIs use JSON to send and receive the object-related data. This is usually referred to as a RESTful JSON API. In this course, we'll cover the concepts needed to create queries to a RESTful JSON server API. We'll also cover how to do the basic create, read, update, and delete functionality, and for the object data returned from the server, we'll cover how to parse the JSON data directly into object instances with the Codable protocol. Implementing a RESTful JSON API client app using the Codable protocol will probably be easier than you think, less typing than you think, and result in a clean, maintainable codebase. So let's get started.
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