Python has quickly become the leading in-demand programming language for those in the data science and analytics sector. Python skills are bankable, and this learning path helps you add value to your skill set and to your resume.
Practice accessing and analyzing data using Python.
Understand abstract data types.
Improve your efficiency and speed coding in Pandas.
Python Statistics Essential Training2h 39mPython Statistics Essential Training
By: Matt Harrison
Learn to use Python to unlock the power of data and use it to inform decisions.
Advanced Python: Working With Data2h 5mAdvanced Python: Working With Data
By: Joe Marini
Learn about the features of Python that can help you make sense of your data.
Advanced Python: Working with Databases2h 6mAdvanced Python: Working with Databases
By: Kathryn Hodge
Explore the database options for powering your Python apps. Learn how to create and connect to different types of databases, including SQLite, MySQL, and PostgreSQL.
Advanced Python: Practical Database Examples1h 48mAdvanced Python: Practical Database Examples
By: Kathryn Hodge
Level up as a Python developer working with databases in this advanced, skills-based course.
Python Data Structures and Algorithms2h 19mPython Data Structures and Algorithms
By: Robin Andrews
Visually study the relationship of data structures and algorithms. Learn how stacks, queues, and 2D lists are used with depth-first, breadth-first, and A-star search algorithms.
Python Data Structures: Linked Lists1h 2mPython Data Structures: Linked Lists
By: Ryan Mitchell
Get an introduction to linked lists, a popular and useful dynamic data structure.
Python Data Structures: Dictionaries57mPython Data Structures: Dictionaries
By: Deepa Muralidhar
Learn how to use dictionaries to store and retrieve unordered data in Python.
Python Data Structures: Stacks, Deques, and Queues35mPython Data Structures: Stacks, Deques, and Queues
By: Dhhyey Desai
Learn about the top three linear data structures—stacks, queues, and deque—and build your own data structures in Python.
Python Data Structures: Trees1h 16mPython Data Structures: Trees
By: Ryan Mitchell
Learn about binary search trees in Python and how to create, navigate, modify, and use them in a real-world context.
Faster pandas1h 24mFaster pandas
By: Miki Tebeka
Learn how to make your pandas code quicker and more efficient. This course covers vectorization, common mistakes, pandas performance, saving memory, Numba, Cython, and more.
Advanced Pandas1h 2mAdvanced Pandas
By: Brett Vanderblock
Learn the advanced functions in pandas that can help you more effectively work with your data.
Matt Harrison
Joe Marini
Creative Technology Leader | LinkedIn Learning Instructor with 20M Learners | Developer Advocacy
Kathryn Hodge
Senior Software Engineer I @ HubSpot
Robin Andrews
Python Programmer and Computer Science Instructor
Ryan Mitchell
O'Reilly Author | LinkedIn Learning Instructor | Speaker | Principal Software Engineer @ GLG
Deepa Muralidhar
Tenure track faculty, Computer Science at Georgia State University - PhD in Artificial Intelligence and Human Centered Computing
Dhhyey Desai
Google Certified Python Expert, Microsoft Certified Instructor
Miki Tebeka
CEO of 353solutions
Brett Vanderblock
BI at ClassPass + Mindbody